The first aid is the initial assistance provided to the injured person at the place of the accident. The care is comprised of on time undertaking careful procedures, measures and activities in order to preserve life, to protect from further injuries, to reduce the pain and fear, to prevent possible complications and to improve the condition of the injured persons. The care lasts from the moment of the detection of the injured person until the moment when the person does not require first aid or until the person is taken care of by qualified health care providers. As an integral part of the health promotion, the first aid training involves provision of information how to prevent injuries and illnesses and it covers individuals, families and communities in the everyday life and in case of disasters.
The prevention and common sense are of key importance in the process of first aid education. The application of first aid is accompanied with knowing appropriate skills and handling of equipment easy to use and apply. Learning appropriate techniques is essential for preserving human life and it is an important factor which helps in the process of the administering first aid.
Macedonian Red Cross, implements numerous activities in the area of provision of first aid education and training.
In frames of the activities of Macedonian Red Cross First Aid Commission for preparation and organizing first aid competitions on all levels, an instruction seminar is organized with doctors who participate in the implementation of first aid courses in the Red Cross branches.

One of the topics on the seminar is discussion on the suppositions that are used within the first aid competitions on branch, regional and state level in compliance with the national guidelines.
An inevitable part of the firs aid is the realistic presentation of wounds.
One of the main activities within the first aid is organizing the curriculum for education and training for future drivers for administering first aid in case of traffic accidents.

Within the first aid activities undertaken by Macedonian Red Cross is the first aid education for employees in public companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations and companies. Macedonian Red Cross has specially
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