– South East European Forum on Climate Change Adaption

Title of the action: SEE Forum on Climate Change Adaptation
Donor: European commission IPA – Socio-Economic Partnership Programme
Applicant: Austrian Red Cross
Number of partners in the project: 8
Partners for implementation of the activates: Centre for Monitoring and Evaluation – Serbia, Croatian Red Cross, Macedonian Red Cross, Montenegro Red Cross,
Other partners for expert support: Stichting International Red Cross Red Crescent Centre on Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness – Netherlands; WWF International Danube-Carpathian Programme – Austria; Asociata WWF Programul Danuare Carpati Romaniaro –Romania; Institute for Economic Promotion of the Austrian Federal Economic (AFEC);
Due to its proximity to the population the Red Cross – together with other civil society organisations – makes an important contribution to cope with global challenges. NGOs from the Western Balkans are often not enough involved in political decision processes particularly in view to a future EU accession. Thus civil society organisations have to be strenghtened not only in their further development as service providers but also in the field of advocacy.
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NGOs network kick off meeting

On May 12, 2011, in the premises of Macedonian Red Cross with beginning at 10 am, as a part of the project activities, the first kick off meeting for SEE Forum on Climate Change Adaptation was held. Objective was the establishment of NGO network that will be engaged in the project during next two years and together with Macedonian Red Cross will join forces regarding the Climate changes issues.The meeting was opened by Secretary General of the Macedonian Red Cross who welcomed the civil society organizations as well as the project manager, Ms. Sonja Greiner from Austrian Red Cross.
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In the period of June 21 – June 23, 2011, within the activities of Southeast Europe Forum on Climate Change Adaptation project, the National and regional climate change adaptation, climate challenges and response policy priorities workshop was held. The workshop took place in the premises of the Macedonian Red Cross and was attended by 17 civil society organizations from all over Macedonia.
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Regional workshop 14-16 September

In view of strengthening the capacities of 4 civil society organization (CSO) networks on Climate Change Adaptation in Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, organized by Macedonian red Cross a regional workshop on national climate risk assessments will take place from 14-16 September 2011.The workshop objective will be – National climate risk assessment and will be attended by around 40 network members that are part of this project.
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National EU Acquis training 7-8 November

In the period between 7th and 8th of November 2011 in premises of the Macedonian Red Cross National EU acquis training was held under the heading “European legislatives and Climate Change Adaptation”. This training was part of the regular activities under the regional EU IPA Project SEE Forum on climate change adaptation and was attended by members of the Macedonian Climate Reaction Network.
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